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Model - model RydAiR RY & RB
RydAiR Electronic Air Cleaners model RY & RB cocok untuk membersihkan asap dan debu akibat pengelasan maupun minyak, karet ataupun debu karena menggerida, asap & debu plastik, asap diesel, asap rokok, asap dari pemotongan metal, besi dan macam-macam asap dan debu karena karena proses produksi lainnya. Juga dapat digunakan untuk penyaringan udara kotor/asap dari dapur yang berminyak.
RydAiR Electronic Air Cleaners model RY & RB mempunyai kemampuan membersihkan udara kotor dalam ruangan dan mengembalikan udara yang bersih kembali ke tempat semula, mengurangi ongkos energi karena tidak memerlukan exhaust fan yang mengeluarkan udara dingin.
RydAiR Electronic Air Cleaners ini didesign untuk digunakan didalam ruangan pada berbagai macam industri yang menghasilkan udara kotor. Model RY & RB bisa dipasang dengan digantung ataupun memakai ducting.
RydAiR Electronic Air Cleaners mempunyai power supply yang kuat, ionizing dan collector cells yang terbuat dari stainless steel yang kuat seta mempunyai motor fan yang kuat dan tangguh.
Udara yang terkontaminasi ditarik oleh motor/blower melalui mesin logam dicuci pre-filter penangkap partikel debu yang besar. Partikel yang tersisa beberapa sekecil 0,01 micron, masuk kedalam medan listrik yang kuat (bagian ionizing) dimana partikulat menerima muatan listrik. Partikel-partikel bermuatan kemudian masuk ke bagian plat kolektor terbuat dari serangkaian plat pararel sama spasi. Setiap plat alternatif dibebankan dengan polaritas yang sama dengan partikel, yang menolak,berdasarkan plat interleaving yang menarik dan mengumpulkan debu dan kotoran. Kontaminan akan ada di plat sampai dibersihkan. RydAiR Electronic Air Cleaners penangkap partikel baik basah maupun kering.
RydAiR Electronic Air Cleaners model RY & RB cocok untuk membersihkan asap dan debu akibat pengelasan maupun minyak, karet ataupun debu karena menggerida, asap & debu plastik, asap diesel, asap rokok, asap dari pemotongan metal, besi dan macam-macam asap dan debu karena karena proses produksi lainnya. Juga dapat digunakan untuk penyaringan udara kotor/asap dari dapur yang berminyak.
RydAiR Electronic Air Cleaners model RY & RB mempunyai kemampuan membersihkan udara kotor dalam ruangan dan mengembalikan udara yang bersih kembali ke tempat semula, mengurangi ongkos energi karena tidak memerlukan exhaust fan yang mengeluarkan udara dingin.
RydAiR Electronic Air Cleaners ini didesign untuk digunakan didalam ruangan pada berbagai macam industri yang menghasilkan udara kotor. Model RY & RB bisa dipasang dengan digantung ataupun memakai ducting.
RydAiR Electronic Air Cleaners mempunyai power supply yang kuat, ionizing dan collector cells yang terbuat dari stainless steel yang kuat seta mempunyai motor fan yang kuat dan tangguh.
- Kombinasi ionizer dan collector cell - Mudah untuk dibuka dan dibersihkan.
- High Efficiency - Menghilangkan 95% kotoran, debu dan minyak untuk sekali pembersihan dan 99% pada dua kali pembersihan.
- Permanent ionizer/ Collector Elements - Tidak ada penggantian filter, cukup dicuci, dikeringkan dan dipasang kembali, sangat menghemat ongkos.
- Low Static Resistance - Mengurangi pemakaian energi dibandingkan dengan menggunakan filter lainnya.
- Non-Discriminant Particulate Collection - Membersihkan kotoran kering maupun basah (misalkan minyak).
- Hinged acces - Memudahkan service dengan cepat.
Udara yang terkontaminasi ditarik oleh motor/blower melalui mesin logam dicuci pre-filter penangkap partikel debu yang besar. Partikel yang tersisa beberapa sekecil 0,01 micron, masuk kedalam medan listrik yang kuat (bagian ionizing) dimana partikulat menerima muatan listrik. Partikel-partikel bermuatan kemudian masuk ke bagian plat kolektor terbuat dari serangkaian plat pararel sama spasi. Setiap plat alternatif dibebankan dengan polaritas yang sama dengan partikel, yang menolak,berdasarkan plat interleaving yang menarik dan mengumpulkan debu dan kotoran. Kontaminan akan ada di plat sampai dibersihkan. RydAiR Electronic Air Cleaners penangkap partikel baik basah maupun kering.
Electrostatic Air Cleaner (Tanpa Blower)
Dimension | H: 534mm, W: 656mm, L: 620mm |
Cabinet | 1.2mm Electro Galvanized Steel |
Finishing | Powder Coated, Dark Blue |
Weight | 40 Kg |
Air Volume | 1700 to 2500 cmh |
Air Flow | Left to Right, Right to Left |
Static Pressure Regd | 80 to 100 Pascal |
Operating Voltage | 220 Vac+/-10%, 50Hz (Single Phase) |
Features | Short circuit, arc protection and auto power restore for Power Pack |
Efficiency | Up to 95% meets NIOSH 5026 Oil Mist Test (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health) |
Particle Size | Collect particles as small as 0.01 microns |
Controls | Auto cut-off switch when door is opened. Indicator lights for fault, normal or wash function |
Cell | H: 480mm, W: 340mm, L: 500mm |
Weight : 14.5 Kg | |
Ionizing Voltage : 12 KV dc | |
Collector Voltage : 6 KV dc | |
Comprising 8 ionizind wires & 23 collection plates |
Face Area is 0.24 sqm |
Effective collection area is 4.1 sqm |
Power Consumption |
50 Watts max. |
Pres-Filter | Aluminium Mesh, Washable |
Installation | Ceiling suspended, wall or frame mounted |
Options | Dry contact for Building Management System (BMS) |
Electrostatic Air Cleaner (Tanpa Blower)
Dimension | H: 534mm, W: 1230mm, L: 620mm |
Cabinet | 1.2mm Electro Galvanized Steel |
Finishing | Powder Coated, Dark Blue |
Weight | 70 Kg |
Air Volume | 5000 cmh |
Air Flow | Left to Right, Right to Left |
Static Pressure | 100 pascal |
Regd | |
Operating Voltage | 220 Vac+/-10%, 50 Hz (Single Phase) |
Features | Short circuit, arc protection and auto |
power restore for Power Pack | |
Efficiency | Up to 95%, meets NIOSH 5026 Oil |
Mist Test (National Institute for | |
Occupational Safety and Health) | |
Particle Size | Collects particles as small as 0.01 |
microns | |
Controls | Auto cut-off switch when door is opened. |
Indicator lights for fault, normal or | |
wash function | |
Cell | H: 480mm, W: 340mm, L: 550mm |
Weight : 15 Kg each | |
Ionizing Voltage : 12KV dc | |
Uses 2 cells, each cell comprising of 9 | |
ionizing wires & 25 collection plates. | |
Total face Area is 0.528 sqm. | |
Effective collection area is 11.6 sqm | |
Power | 75 Watts (2 cells) |
Consumption | |
Pre-Filter | Aluminium Mesh, washable |
Installation | Ceiling suspended, |
wall or frame mounted | |
Options | Dry contact for Building Management |
System (BMS) | |
Electrostatic Air Cleaner (Tanpa Blower)
Dimension | H: 534mm, W: 1662mm, L: 620mm |
Cabinet | 1.2mm Electro Galvanized Steel |
Finishing | Powder coated, Dark Blue |
Weight | 120 Kg |
Air Volume | 7500 cmh |
Air Flow | Left to Right, Right to Left |
Statoc Pressure | 100 pascal |
Reqd. | |
Operating Voltage | 230 Vac+/-10%, 50/60 Hz (Single Phase) |
Features | Short circuit, arc protection and auto restore power pack |
Efficiency | Up to 95%, meetts NIOSH 5026 Oil Mist Test |
(National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health) | |
Particle Size | Collects particles as small as 0.01 microns |
Safety | Auto power cut-off when door is opened |
Indicators | LED lights for Normal, Wash or Fault, Indications |
Cell/ Each | H: 480mm, W: 340mm, L: 500mm |
Weight : 14.5 Kg | |
Ionizing voltage : 12 KV dc | |
Collector voltage : 6 KV dc | |
Uses 3 cells, each comprising of 8 tungsten | |
ionizing wires and 23 collections plates | |
Total face Area is 0.72 sqm | |
Effective collection area is 12.29 sqm | |
Power consumption | 115 Watts (3 cells) |
Pre-Filter | Aluminium mesh, washable |
Installation | Ceiling suspended, wall or frame mounted |
Option | Dry contact for Building Management System (BMS) |
Electrostatic Air Cleaner (Dengan Blower)
Dimension | H: 534mm, W:685mm, L: 1125mm |
Cabinet | 1.2 mm Electro Galvanized Steel |
Finishing | Power Coated, Dark Blue |
Weight | 95Kg |
Air Volume | 2400 cmh |
Air Flow | Left to Right, Right to Left |
Operating | 220 Vac+/-10%, 50 Hz (Single phase) |
Voltage | |
Features | Short circiut, arc protection with auto |
power restor for Power Pack | |
Efficiency | Up to 95%, meets NIOSH 5026 Oil Mist Test |
(National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health) | |
Particle Size | Collects particles as small as 0.01 microns |
Motor | 1.5HP, 2850RPM, 7.5 amo max. 1.1 KW |
TEFC sealed ball bearings UL, single phase | |
Blower Fan | Centrifugal forward curved impeller, 130pa external |
static pressure @ 2400cmh (Factory Default) | |
H: 480mm, W: 340mm, L: 550mm | |
Weight : 15 Kg | |
Ionizing voltage : 12 KVdc | |
Collector voltage : 6 KVdc | |
Cell | One cell comprising of 9 ionizing wires |
and 25 collection plates. | |
Face Area is 0.264 sqm | |
Effective collection area is 5.8 sqm | |
cell plate | |
Power consumption | 50 Watts max |
Controls | Auto cut-off when door is opened. Indicator lights for |
fault, normal or wash function | |
Pre-Filter | Aluminium mesh, washable |
Installation | Ceiling suspended, wall or frame mounted |
Options | Dry contact for Building Management System (BMS) |
Electrostatic Air Cleaner (Dengan Blower)
Dimension | H: 534mm, W: 1230mm, L: 1125mm |
Cabinet | 1.2mm Electro Galvanized Steel |
Finishing | Powder Coated Dark Blue |
Weight | 145Kg |
Air Volume | 4800 cmh |
Air Flow | Left to Right, Right to Left |
Operating | 220Vax+/-10%, 50Hz (Single Phase) |
Voltage | |
Features | Short circuit, arc protection and auto restore |
power pack | |
Efficiency | Up to 95% meets NIOSH 5026 Oil Mist Test |
(National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health) | |
Particle Size | Collects particles as small as 0.01 microns |
Motor | 1.5HP, 2850 RPM, 7.5 amp Max. 1.1KW, TEFC |
seated ball bearings, UL, single phase | |
Blower Fan | Centrifugal forward curved impeller 130pa external |
static pressure @ 4800cmh (Factory Default) | |
Cell / Each | H: 480mm, W: 340mm, L: 550mm |
Weight : 15 Kg, Ionizing voltage : 12 KVdc | |
Collector voltage : 6 KVdc, Two cells, each cell comprising | |
of 9 ionizing wires and 25 collection plates. | |
Total Face Area is 0.528 sqm | |
Effective collection area is 11.6 sqm cell plate | |
Power | 75 Watss (2 cells) |
Consumption | |
Pre-Filter | Aluminium mesh, washable |
Installation | Ceiling suspended, wall or frame mounted |
Options | Dry contact for Building Management System (BMS) |
Electrostatic Air Cleaner (Dengan Blower)
Dimension | H: 395mm, W: 587mm, L: 760mm |
Cabinet | 1.0 mm Electro Galvanized Steel |
Finishing | Powder Coated Dark Blue |
Weight | 50Kg |
Air Volume | 800-1000 cmh |
Air Flow | Left to Right, Right to Left |
Operating | 220 Vac+/-10%, 50Hz (Single Phase) |
Voltage | |
Features | Short circuit, arc protection with auto |
power restor for Power Pack | |
Motor | 0.38 HP, 1690 RPM, 1.3 amp, 285W |
Blower Fan | Centrifugal forward curved impeller, |
80 pa external static pressure @ 1000cmh | |
Efficiency | Up to 95%, meets NIOSH 5026 Oil Mist |
Test (National Institute for Occupational Safety | |
and Health) | |
Particle Size | Collects particles as small as 0.01 microns |
Cell | H: 330 mm, W: 320mm, L: 470mm |
Weight : 11 Kg, each ionizing voltage : 12 KVdc | |
Collector voltage : 6 KVdc, One cell comprising | |
of 7 ionizing wires & 21 collection plates power. | |
Face Area is 0.155 sqm Effective collection | |
area is 2.9 sqm | |
Power | 50 Watts max |
Consumption | |
Controls | Auto cut-off switch when door is opened. |
Indicator lights for fault, normal or wash | |
fuction | |
Pre-Filter | Aluminium mesh, wall or frame mounted |
Installation | Ceiling suspended, wall or frame mounted |
Options | Dry contact for Building Management System |
(BMS) | |
Dimension | H: 375mm, W: 415mm, L: 475mm |
Weight | 35 Kg |
Construction | 1.2mm Cold Roll steel, Powder Coated |
Voltage (in) | 230 Volts AC 50-60 Hz |
Power | Air Cleaner : 50W, Blower : 85W |
Consumption | |
Efficiency | Up to 95% |
Particle Size | 0.01 micron and up |
Airflow | 300-500 CMH |
Hi/Lo Voltages | 12Kv/ 6Kv |
Air Inlet Size | 100mm Diameter |
Indicator Lamps | 4 : Power, On, Wash, Operation |
Noise level | <62Db (A) |
Electronic Cell | 1 |
Dimension | H: 530mm, W: 570mm, L: 620mm |
Weight | 59 Kg |
Construction | 1.2mm Cold Roll steel, Powder |
Coated | |
Voltage (in) | 230 Volts AC 50-60Hz |
Power | Air Cleaner : 50W, Blower : 115W |
Consumption | |
Efficiency | Up to 95% |
Particle Size | 0.01 micron and up |
Airflow | 400-600 CMH |
Hi/Lo Voltages | 12Kv / 6Kv |
Air Inlet Size | 200mm Diameter |
Indicator Lamps | 4: Power, On, Wash Operation |
Noise level | <62Db (A) |
Electronic Cell | 1 |